
Word & Phrase Generators

Fake Language Generator

Lets face it writing your own language is hard, so why not use a fake instead?

Using this generator you'll be able to disguise and encode your native language into a new 'fake' language by using the sounds specified in the 'Translation Phoneme'. To get started; simply add the 'sounds' you want your language to use in the settings panel, then click Translate. The generator will handle the rest by replacing the input language 'sounds' with your new custom phonemes.

Text To Translate:



So so doh dohfa mee sodoh, so so doh meefa mee sodoh, so so doh sodoh mee somee, so so doh sodoh mee dohsodohdoh, so so doh dohmeeso mee dohmee, so so doh dohmeeso mee raymeerayso, so so doh lala mee Sotee, so so doh lala mee Sodoh, so so doh teetee mee meedoh, so so doh raymee mee dohdohfa...


Translation Phoneme

Behind The Science

Behind every generator is science: Word science. The language generator is no exception; dabbling in the science of linguistics. By using the principles of phonemes, diagraphs, and morphologies the language generator is able to capture the complex structure and orthography of the input language and encode a 'new' unique set of phonemes (sounds); creating a seemingly diverse and complex written language. Though the generator does not constitute a true unique language, it can assist in faking one!

Before we go into the details of the generator, we need a Wikipedia crash course in linguistics and orthography. The important parts are summarized below.

What is a phoneme?

Think of phonemes as 'sounds', when a group of these phonemes are placed together they form morphemes or words.

What is a digraph?

Digraphs represent a pair of letters that from a single phoneme (a distinct sound). Such as 'ay' in way, or the 'th' in through.

What about trigraphs, etcetera?

Like digraphs, a Trigraph, Tetragraph, or Pentagraph is a set of letters that form a single phoneme (sound). Trigraph, meaning three letters; tetragraph four, and pentagraph five letters. Examples: 'tch' (Trigraph) in watch. Four plus letter combinations are almost nonexistent. Though the 'ough' (Tetragraph) in through would work for our purposes. 'tzsch' (Pentagraph) appears in the English word Nietzschean.
